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Grandmother gets guardianship in Connecticut divorce case

On Behalf of | Jul 30, 2019 | Guardianships and Conservatorships |

Parents are always concerned about the well-being of their children. But a mother and father are not the only stakeholders in the care and education of a boy or girl. If parents are not available to be full-time custodians, others may gain standing in children’s lives as guardians.

A guardian has most of the same duties and privileges as a confirmed parent. They have the rights to make decisions about how a child is raised, how the health care of a child is managed, where a child is educated and other vital aspects of life.

The grandmother of five children recently gained standing in the mother’s divorce case, becoming the guardian of the children while legal issues regarding the parents’ relationship are still pending in court. The mother has been missing for more than two months, and her husband has been a person of interest in the investigation.

The probate judge ruled that the Connecticut woman had embraced her role as grandmother in its full meaning, also fulfilling the requirements of guardianship. Furthermore, the ruling mentioned the children may have a rough time in the care of their father, who is currently part of the response to the missing mother.

Relatives and friends with possible standing in a guardianship case may bring their issues to a probate court in the Constitution State to be heard. Petitioners may be accompanied by legal representation, who may be able to help with related claims. An attorney can address the finer details of Connecticut probate law and help work toward a guardianship for happy children.
