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How does guardianship work in Connecticut?

On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2018 | Guardianships and Conservatorships |

Guardianship is a vital part of a happy, safe and healthy childhood. The most common guardian for minors is a parent or set of parents, but there are many types that may be assigned or confirmed by a Connecticut probate court.

What does “guardianship” mean?

Guardianship means both rights and responsibilities. A guardian has the right to make important decisions in a child’s life, such as education and health care. The law also assigns “the obligation of care and control” for children to the legal guardian.

What are the types other than parental guardianship?

Temporary guardians care for children if parents or permanent guardians are unable to do so for a period of one year or less. A standby guardian may be designated by parents in the case of death or disability. In some cases, a testamentary guardian may be requested in the same form as a will.

Are there guardianships for intellectually disabled people?

If a person is unable to make informed decision about his or her own care, probate court may assign a plenary guardian for that person’s benefit. A plenary guardian may be a person, state official or nonprofit corporation other than a residential facility. If a person may make some decisions about his or her care but not all, the court may appoint a limited guardian.

Is a lawyer necessary to deal with guardianship issues?

Private citizens are permitted to address probate courts in Connecticut. However, it is often recommended for people to retain legal counsel. This may help resolve issues with minimal time spent in court.

Source: Connecticut Judicial Branch, “Guardianship in Connecticut,” accessed April 04, 2018
