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Conservatorships help people and families through hard times

On Behalf of | May 18, 2018 | Guardianships and Conservatorships |

There may come a time towards the end of a full life when a person is unable to manage his or her own personal and business affairs. It is a subject few people wish to address, but those who have significant assets and goals for them that may extend beyond their lifetimes should take steps to accomplish them.

One way to ensure the quality administration of a person’s assets or necessities is to appoint a conservator. This is a person legally appointed by a Connecticut probate court to oversee the aspects of life that a person cannot manage due to advanced age or mental disability.

There are two main types of conservators under Connecticut law. A “conservator of the person” is responsible for personal affairs like care, nourishment and housing. A “conservator of the estate” is often closer to a trustee, supervising financial affairs and responsible for any important decisions about a person’s assets.

An arrangement can be made before a person may require a conservator. This involves nominating a person and appointing them in court or by affidavit. This arrangement may also be temporary, with a 30-day conservatorship declared by a probate judge. If a person needs both types of conservators, the court may appoint one person to fill both roles or separate conservators.

Probate courts in Connecticut are open, and no one is required to retain a lawyer. However, legal representation may help petitioners understand all the details that their claims rely on. Consulting an experienced Texas attorney who has experience with probate administration is often a good idea.

Source: Connecticut 2-1-1, “Conservator of Estate / Conservator of Person,” accessed May 18, 2018
