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Sound strategies for reducing tax liability

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2022 | Estate Planning |

Taxes are an inevitable part of life, but that is not to say that there is ever an obligation to overpay. The fact is that numerous strategies exist that can legally and legitimately reduce tax obligations and leave more money in Connecticut residents’ pockets each and every year.

Tips for reducing tax liability

A good starting point for any exercise in tax planning is to gain a firm grasp of the different tax brackets into which individuals and couples may fall. Knowing the income thresholds which trigger higher rates of taxation can help with determinations of when and how to withdraw or add funds to retirement accounts, for example.

It is also useful to make an annual assessment of estimated taxable income, as that will facilitate the savvy use of methods designed to reduce that total number. These strategies can include:

  • Adjusting investments based on yield type
  • Utilizing capital loss offsets
  • Withdrawing smaller amounts from retirement accounts if other income is higher
  • Boosting contributions to retirement plans

The utility of each technique will vary based on the individual or couple’s unique income and financial situation, and revisiting those factors on a regular basis will help reduce tax liabilities to the greatest extent possible.

The unseen benefits of tax reduction planning

The practical, yearly benefits of sound tax planning and liability mitigation techniques will be almost immediately felt, but there are other, long-term positives such an approach will bring. By minimizing the amount of tax owed on a year-over-year basis it is possible to preserve and grow assets in such a way as to bolster the size of the estate that can eventually be passed down to loved ones.

While there is no escaping the necessity of staying on top of and meeting all tax obligations, by gaining a bit of knowledge of the rules and regulations applicable to your circumstances, it is possible to never pay a dollar more than what is truly owed and pave the way to a better financial future.
