Don’t Lose A Lifetime Pension And Retirement Savings To Taxes
A well-structured pension and benefits package is a vital recruitment and retention tool for any business. The laws regulating pension plans are complex, however, and employers can find themselves tangled in distracting and expensive litigation if they make even one misstep.
The experienced pension plan attorneys at Ferguson Cohen LLP assist business owners on the proper structure and administration of pension plans.
We also assist individuals with pension planning decisions as they relate to:
Connecticut And New York Retirement Plan Attorneys
We help our entrepreneurial clients ensure that the retirement and benefits plans they offer to employees are compliant with the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. Our estate planning lawyers are thoroughly knowledgeable about the complex ERISA rules related to the reporting and disclosure requirements that employers must satisfy with respect to the plans they maintain.
Because every company is unique, we avoid formulaic approaches to constructing pension and benefits plans, opting instead to draft custom-designed plans that suit the nature of your business, existing finances and current tax planning. We will continue to consult with you once your plan is in place in order to ensure that your plan remains an effective employee recruitment tool.
For clients acquiring a business, we assist them in integrating new business pension plans, whether qualified or non-qualified, into an existing plan. The scope of our legal advice also includes benefits calculations, plan loans and hardship withdrawals.
An Important Part Of A Comprehensive Estate Planning Strategy
Our work with individuals is focused on providing sound legal advice to help them maximize their pension benefits while minimizing their tax burden.
We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and discuss your pension and benefits strategy and needs. We work with clients throughout Connecticut and New York from offices in Greenwich, Bridgehampton and White Plains, as well as an office in Naples, Florida.
Contact us by email or call us at one of our local offices to schedule an appointment and begin better retirement planning today.